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09/20/21 • Mon, 12:30 AM

byf : this is an acc for bts so i'll be talking about them 24/7, seokjin is my ultimate bias, i also love taejin so i'll be tweeting and retweeting a lot of stuff about them, i'm a nice person and i always fb if your acc is anything related to bts and kpop.
dni : you are a bts anti, a solo stan, homophobic, transphobic and racist

LiKES uhhh bts of course, seokjin himself, jin's rj, sleeping, art, music, rain, horror or creepy movies and stories, last but def my fav ~angts aus:)
DiSLiKES bts antis who hates our boys for no effin reason, rude and homophobic people, fake friends, the ones i hate the most ×flying cockroaches×


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♡ my taejin bestie ♡
yen (@613SEOK)

♡ irl bestie ♡
rin (@1013radio)
